Software Sales Tips by Matt Wolach

Sales Tips

How to Create a Culture of Action

Leading a team or running a SaaS company is sometimes a bed of roses. And just because you get to work on your ambitions doesn’t mean your passion wouldn’t run out. I’ve been there. I get burnt out, too, and I’ve seen people do worse.

But what if one of your employees is tied up with other tasks and reaches out to you for help with a task? Will you ignore it until it goes away? Or would you take active steps to help them and eliminate any negative mindset?

For software leaders, the decision would take a little more effort than most since multiple members are expected to rely on them. This is where the Culture of Action comes in handy. It is where you actively take steps to pull the team out of defeatism and tap their best potential. 

It’s not as easy as it sounds, as it involves tedious steps in seeking out the root cause of the issue – which takes a lot of time – and openly communicating with your subordinates to tackle the issue.

See the culture of action at work in my video. While you’re at it, don’t hesitate to leave me feedback so we can discuss the topic more!