In SaaS, demos are a critical part of the sales process.
Some companies start with a short list of three or four vendors but even with that small number of potential solutions, sitting through several days worth of demos can test your patience.
That’s why you need to separate yourself from the herd.
Because most systems just look the same to the buyers.
But as I see software founders do demos most of the time, I feel like giving software demos has become something of a lost art.
Most don’t know how to do them correctly, especially if they are new to SaaS sales.
And the main thing is, software demos are different from giving a sales call in general.
Just because you have experience in sales elsewhere doesn’t mean it will also work for doing a software demo.
If you are new to SaaS and you need to give a software demo – congratulations!
But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
The next thing you need to do decides yours and your software company’s fate – delivering a perfect software demo.
You might be wondering… is there a PERFECT way to do this?
The answer lies in the demo’s structure.
So in this video, I shared my secret formula called The Perfect D.E.A.L process to help you get started on doing a software demo that can close more deals than you can imagine.